Throughout the United States, there are approximately 850 local chapters of The Arc. The Arc continues to be a strong voice for education rights, community supports, progressive legislation, and public awareness. The Arc is the largest organization dedicated to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families.
You can rely on us.
The Arc Today
The Arc is proud of its accomplishments over the past
50+ years. The Arc has led the movement to deinstitutionalize state
centers across the country and is responsible for the Right to
Education - P.L. 94-142— providing all children a free, public and
appropriate education. The Arc believes in inclusive practice at all levels
of society. We encourage you to read all of our national position
papers available at www.TheArc.org. Nearly 100,000 members belong
to The Arc, US, showing their support of the advancement of the rights and
interests of approximately 7.2 million citizens with intellectual,
developmental and related disabilities.
The Arc of Northeastern Pennsylvania is
affiliated with The Arc of the United States; The
Arc of Pennsylvania; The Lackawanna-Susquehanna (L-S)
Behaviorial Health Intellectual Disabilities Early Intervention
(BHIDEI) Program, MH/MR of Wayne County
and Carbon -
Monroe - Pike MH/DS.
The Arc of NEPA is also a member
agency of the United Way of Lackawanna, Wayne and
Carbon Counties.