Reintegration Plan
Vocational - Based out of Adult Day Services, The Arc’s Vocational
Services provide meaningful and gainful facility-based work experience
to individuals participating in the Adult Training Facility. Work opportunities
and assignments include outside contracts with various community
businesses where quality production standards are met and compensation
is provided.
Seniors - Located at Robinson Park, Scranton, the Seniors
Program is designed to meet the needs of aging adults with
intellectual and developmental disabilities. Activities emphasize
the maintenance of current skill levels while increasing recreation
and leisure opportunities such as those enjoyed during
retirement. This country setting provides a warm and friendly
atmosphere for whatever folks enjoy.
Supported Employment - Supported Employment
Services assists adults with intellectual and developmental
disabilities gain and maintain employment. Particular
to individual needs, an Arc Job Coach will assist with
the application process, skill development, and any
area related to acquiring and keeping a job including
transportation and social skill awareness.
Recreation - Throughout the year The Arc offers a
variety of recreational opportunities. Every effort is made to meet the needs
of our participants by offering a diverse selection of both community and facility- based activities. We strive to make inclusive options available which lead our consumers to independent leisure skill development. Regularly scheduled leisure choices are offered each week throughout the year. Programs are varied and include dinners, dances, swimming, bingo, arts/crafts, special events and much more. Our Fun and Friendship Bowling League meets on Tuesday and Friday evenings. For children, the Arc offers a six-week summer camp program. In addition “Arc Tracks” presents travel prospects for those who enjoy excursions to destinations such as New York City, Philadelphia, and Lancaster for shows and shopping. We also experience amusement parks, and sporting events.
Community Residential - Community Residential affords people with intellectual and developmental disabilities the opportunity to enjoy “everyday life” in regular homes on ordinary streets throughout our neighborhoods. Individuals are encouraged to maximize their independence at home and in the community. Trained staff in each home assist individuals in various aspects of household routines such as shopping, laundry, cooking, budgeting and entertaining. During the day, individuals participate in Adult Day Services, volunteer services, center based or community employment. Others may enjoy retirement in their homes or around their communities. There are currently nine Arc sponsored homes within Lackawanna and Wayne counties. Each residence is monitored twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week.
Supported Living - The Arc Supported Living program assists individuals to fully function as members of our community with-out twenty-four hour staff supervision. A Supported Living Coach provides “supports” to individuals in one or more of the following areas: scheduling appointments, budgeting, shopping, transportation, etc. This unique program empowers individuals by promoting increased independence and control in financial matters, socialization and recreation, employment, and in maintaining a home or apartment.
Life Sharing through Family Living - Family Living/Life Sharing offers an opportunity for an individual with intellectual and developmental disabilities and a family or individual to share their lives. Family Living/Life Sharing is based on the importance of enduring and permanent relationships as the foundation for learning life skills, developing self-esteem and learning to exist in interdependence with others.
For additional information on Family Living/ Life Sharing or other services provided by The Arc, please contact the administrative office or visit our web site www.thearcnepa.org.
Information and Referral - Individuals and families may not be aware of community supports and services available for them. Therefore, The Arc will provide information about available community resources and make referrals as needed.
Individual Advocacy - In most cases this is a short term association between the advocate and the client. Issues are diverse and include accessing services, employment, benefits, exploitation, education, housing, abuse, neglect, legal matters and more.
Systems Advocacy and Governmental Affairs - In line with our on-going effort to improve the lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, The Arc actively communicates with legislators regarding pending and/or necessary legislation.
Public Awareness and Community Education - The Arc speaks to individuals and groups on various issues related to prevention and reducing the consequence of intellectual and developmental disabilities through education, research, advocacy, and the support of families, friends and community. |